domenica 20 dicembre 2009
Saturnalia ceremony
We are in December and beetween the "ante diem sextum decimum Kalendas Ianuarias" (17 of December) and the "ante diem decimum Kalendas Ianuarias" (23 of December) there is the Saturnalia festival. During this period there is also the festival of Sol invictus (or Mitra God). The birthday of this God is celebrated on the "ante diem octavum Kalendas Ianuarias" (25 of December).
Here there are some pics of the Saturnalia ceremony of yesterday!
Here there are some pics of the Saturnalia ceremony of yesterday!
Group info,
Historical info
Christmas card by Donauroemer group
lunedì 14 dicembre 2009
Legionaire of the month of November
Hello all,
let's do our congratulations to Montgomery Shelman that won the Legionaire of the month prize!
Congratulation! Keep on acting like this!
let's do our congratulations to Montgomery Shelman that won the Legionaire of the month prize!
Congratulation! Keep on acting like this!
awarded members,
Legionaire of the month
giovedì 3 dicembre 2009
Addestramento di base delle reclute
L'addestramento iniziale di una recluta si basava sulla forma fisica e la disciplina; imparavano a mantenere le posizioni ed il passo durante le lunghe marce effettuate per aumentare la resistenza fisica. Sembra che dovessero compiere 20 miglia romane (circa 29 Km e mezzo) in cinque ore a passo normale e 24 miglia (35 Km e mezzo) a passo veloce. Le truppe poi si esercitavano anche a cavalcare, nuotare e saltare.
L'addestrameno con le armi consistea nel colpire un palo alto circa 2 metri con una spada in legno e con uno scudo più pesante del normale. Lo stesso palo serviva anche da bersaglio per il lancio dei pila.
Quando le reclute erano più esperte le si faceva combattere con armi d'addestramento in battaglie simulate, prima a coppie poi agruppi ed infine insieme a tutta l'unità.
L'addestramento durava parecchi mesi.
L'addestrameno con le armi consistea nel colpire un palo alto circa 2 metri con una spada in legno e con uno scudo più pesante del normale. Lo stesso palo serviva anche da bersaglio per il lancio dei pila.
Quando le reclute erano più esperte le si faceva combattere con armi d'addestramento in battaglie simulate, prima a coppie poi agruppi ed infine insieme a tutta l'unità.
L'addestramento durava parecchi mesi.
Historical info,
Italian posts
Conference about roman army - 9th December 1 PM SL time
Salve all,
the 9th December at 1 PM SL time in ROMA SPQR will be a conference about roman army, both in English and Italian.
Will be a nice occasion to learn more about how was in RL.
Hope to see you there, vale,
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
the 9th December at 1 PM SL time in ROMA SPQR will be a conference about roman army, both in English and Italian.
Will be a nice occasion to learn more about how was in RL.
Hope to see you there, vale,
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
Salary of Legionaires
From the years of Julio Caesar to the end of the I Century AD we have an idea of how much a legionaire was paid. A simple soldier was paid 225 silver Denarii every month, about 1200 €. It is not clear how much an officer was paid but it seems that the salary was double: 450 silver Denarii, about 2400 €.
The equites should earn one time and half the pay of a legionaire: 337,5 silver Denarii (about 1800 €). We are quite sure about the salary only for the Equites principales. For the other equites ranks we have no reliable evidences.
The equites should earn one time and half the pay of a legionaire: 337,5 silver Denarii (about 1800 €). We are quite sure about the salary only for the Equites principales. For the other equites ranks we have no reliable evidences.
sabato 28 novembre 2009
Paga dei legionari
Prendendo in considerazione il periodo di Giulio Cesare possiamo fare qualche considerazione sui compensi che i soldati romani percepivano. Queste cifre vennere mantenute fino alla fine del I secolo DC.
Un legionario riceveva 225 denarii d'argento all'anno, paragonabili, approssimativamente ai 1200 Euro attuali mensili. L'ammontare della paga degli ufficiali non è nota con sicurezza, forse era doppia, quindi 2400 euro attuali.
I cavalieri sembravano essere pagati una volta e mezzo i legionari, in particolare gli principales, quindi 1800 degli attuali euro, anche se non ci sono fonti certe.
Un legionario riceveva 225 denarii d'argento all'anno, paragonabili, approssimativamente ai 1200 Euro attuali mensili. L'ammontare della paga degli ufficiali non è nota con sicurezza, forse era doppia, quindi 2400 euro attuali.
I cavalieri sembravano essere pagati una volta e mezzo i legionari, in particolare gli principales, quindi 1800 degli attuali euro, anche se non ci sono fonti certe.
lunedì 23 novembre 2009
Sunday the 22nd, at Ludi Plebeii of ROMA SPQR, our legion organized a demo/contest of archery for the citizens of ROMA.
Even when just a few civilians came to watch or to try, many milites and auxilia took the chance to show up their archery skills.
I wish to say that the whole milites did very well but, obviously, the winner of a contest can only be one, and this time the medal (and the Miles Extraordinarius RAS badge) went to:
Even when just a few civilians came to watch or to try, many milites and auxilia took the chance to show up their archery skills.
I wish to say that the whole milites did very well but, obviously, the winner of a contest can only be one, and this time the medal (and the Miles Extraordinarius RAS badge) went to:
Decurio Petrus Cornelius Silvanus (Peter Woody)
sabato 7 novembre 2009
Salvete legionaries and Auxiliary units, here comes the result of the votations for the legionary of the month of the just gone october.
The centuriones are proud to give the medal to:
Miles Gianni Lupindo
The centuriones are proud to give the medal to:
Miles Gianni Lupindo
Archery training, Miles Gianni Lupindo stands in the middle.
lunedì 2 novembre 2009
Optium Novum in Equitata cohorte habemus
Propter valorem demonstratum in Zamae victoria, auxiliaris Revus Cornelius Patavius optionis ordinem obtenuit. Gratulemur et leterum omnes!
For the valor showed in the victory of Zama auxiliaris Revo Morales gained the rank of Optio. Congrats and be happy!
Per il valore dimostrato nella vittoria di Zama, l'ausiliario Revo Morales ha ottenuto il grado di Optio. Ci congratuliamo e ci rallegriamo!
giovedì 29 ottobre 2009
Tournament in Roma centro sim
Hello all,
yesterday we had a nice tournament in ROMA Centro sim.
Thanks to all the people who take part at this event.
Ok let's write down the results then I will have to do some congratulations.
1° place: Brodbiz Bagration
2° place: Sargeant Chenaux
3° place: Ragark Fiertze
4° place: Achille Back
Congratulation to all you 4!
The winner won a medal!
I want to congratulate expecially with recruit Ragark that did a great job, and this was just his first event!
Congratulation also to Jo Soler that even though her lag problem came and won her first battle.
yesterday we had a nice tournament in ROMA Centro sim.
Thanks to all the people who take part at this event.
Ok let's write down the results then I will have to do some congratulations.
1° place: Brodbiz Bagration
2° place: Sargeant Chenaux
3° place: Ragark Fiertze
4° place: Achille Back
Congratulation to all you 4!
The winner won a medal!
I want to congratulate expecially with recruit Ragark that did a great job, and this was just his first event!
Congratulation also to Jo Soler that even though her lag problem came and won her first battle.
venerdì 23 ottobre 2009
Gneo Musius, a real Centurio of the Legio XIII
Reminder for sub-officers
Salve dear sub-officers,
I want to remind you that October is going to finish and we will have to nominate the Legionaire of the month. I will waiting for your suggestions.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
I want to remind you that October is going to finish and we will have to nominate the Legionaire of the month. I will waiting for your suggestions.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
Group info,
Legionaire of the month
Events of 28 October
Salve all,
wednesday 28 October will be 3 important events:
1) At 12.00 SL time Triumph celebration in ROMA SPQR (has to be confirmed, but should be no problems)
2) At 1 PM parade in "Roma centro" sim
3) At the end of the parade little conference in "Roma centro"
wednesday 28 October will be 3 important events:
1) At 12.00 SL time Triumph celebration in ROMA SPQR (has to be confirmed, but should be no problems)
2) At 1 PM parade in "Roma centro" sim
3) At the end of the parade little conference in "Roma centro"
martedì 20 ottobre 2009
Corona civica assigned
Hello all,
I am very happy to inform you all that soldiers with the other officers decided to gave Achille Back the "Corona civica" as an acknowledgement for his efforts in making better and better our Legio group; in particular the crown was given to him for his ability in organizing events in our ROMA SPQR.
Congratulations, we all are very proud of him!
(picture will come soon)
I am very happy to inform you all that soldiers with the other officers decided to gave Achille Back the "Corona civica" as an acknowledgement for his efforts in making better and better our Legio group; in particular the crown was given to him for his ability in organizing events in our ROMA SPQR.
Congratulations, we all are very proud of him!
(picture will come soon)
Corona muralis assigned
Hello all,
I am very happy to inform you all that soldiers with the other officers decided to gave me the "Corona muralis" as an acknowledgement for my efforts in making better and better our Legio group; in particular this crown was given to me for being able to organize events around other sims.
Thank you all very much! I really appreciated it!
See you all soon inworld! Bye!
giovedì 8 ottobre 2009
Legionaire of the month - September
Hello all,
the Legionaire of the month is back and we have the winner of September!
And the winner is: Megara Shieldmaiden!
Congratulation to Megara from all the officers for this result!
Keep on acting in this way, we are proud of you.
I remember to all that from the Legionaire of October the suggestions for the Legionaire of the month will be given by the subofficers, that was already informed about this task.
the Legionaire of the month is back and we have the winner of September!
And the winner is: Megara Shieldmaiden!
Congratulation to Megara from all the officers for this result!
Keep on acting in this way, we are proud of you.
I remember to all that from the Legionaire of October the suggestions for the Legionaire of the month will be given by the subofficers, that was already informed about this task.
awarded members,
Group info,
Legionaire of the month
domenica 27 settembre 2009
"Legionary of the month" is back
Salve all,
the Legionary of the month is back! Every month will be reported who was acting best in the Legio, and Centuriones will decide who will win the Legionary of the month medal!
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
the Legionary of the month is back! Every month will be reported who was acting best in the Legio, and Centuriones will decide who will win the Legionary of the month medal!
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
sabato 26 settembre 2009
25 semptember Training Pictures
You can find the pictures of the last training session on this link:
lunedì 14 settembre 2009
On 16th september in the Basilica Cornelia (Subura plot n.12) we will take a contest based upon the beauty of yours amazing togas!The winner will be ''the best Roman in Toga'' one for the women one for the men. The prize is 1500 lindens for the firsts arrived and several rich prizes for the others! You will have to walk on a board for 2 minutes in order to let the others vote for you.
Don't be worried about what you have to wear, the important is being roman,so armors,and any kind of tunicas,are allowed,though decent.So be convincing grab your toga and come! After the contest we will drink, eat and dance in Martina Cornelia Domus' to celebrate the winners!
Remember it is a roleplay event so we expect you to be polite and kind as a real roman knows how.
Don't be worried about what you have to wear, the important is being roman,so armors,and any kind of tunicas,are allowed,though decent.So be convincing grab your toga and come! After the contest we will drink, eat and dance in Martina Cornelia Domus' to celebrate the winners!
Remember it is a roleplay event so we expect you to be polite and kind as a real roman knows how.
sabato 12 settembre 2009
domenica 2 agosto 2009
Salvete Legionaries, here i'm posting some pictures of the last training session.
venerdì 17 luglio 2009
Happy holiday!
Hello all,
I want to wish you happy holliday; I hope that you will have fun wherever you go, and also if you will stay home. I will be away from tomorrow to the 29 of July.
Bye bye, see you soon!
I want to wish you happy holliday; I hope that you will have fun wherever you go, and also if you will stay home. I will be away from tomorrow to the 29 of July.
Bye bye, see you soon!
martedì 14 luglio 2009
Artists in the Legio: closing ceremony on Wed. 15th 1PM
lunedì 6 luglio 2009
Artists in the Legio: Sculpture exhibit on Wed. 8th 1PM
Our Tesserarius Paol Franizzi (Aurelius Sejanus Glaucus) will show his artworks on Wednesday 8th at 1.00 PM in the new Basilica Cornelia, Suburra, plot n°12. All the legio is invited to the opening party. Decurio peter Woody (Petrus Cornelius Silvanus) will host the exhibit in the basilica for the entire week and offers that space for similar events, in the future.
martedì 23 giugno 2009
Senatus has sent Legio XIII to stop a rebellion of the gladiators that claim some rights. The battle will take place on June 24th, 1.00 PM at Campus Martius, in front of the doors of Ostia.Ppl can watch the event from the hill, the walls of Ostia or any high place in the surroundings.((Fighters are invited to sign to the board placed near the arena -gladiators- , or in the fort -legionairs-))
venerdì 19 giugno 2009
Cavalry in the ancient Rome
The following is a short resume of a very complex matter: for better knowledge I suggest
We plan to insert in this blog more detailed infos under the tag "Cavalry"
Cavalry starts in the regal period as the personal escort of the king. In the beginning only patricians can be knights, because they can afford an horse; in fact they constituted a social high-rank group, the equites.
Few later, equites were divided in the ones provided of an horse from the public resources (equus publicus) and the ones with an equus privatus (but refunded with public money in case of killing in action) .
In the republican period, at a certain point, also a part of the not patrician class had to be provided with a public horse to rise the number of equites. To be in this group was considered a sort of status symbol and the legend of an ethical supremacy of the knights, starts probably at this point.
On the other side we must admit that the role of the cavalry in the ancient battles was limited in comparison with infantry, at least until the late empire period. So the amount of equites in the army has always been relatively small.
In the late republican period and in the imperial one Romans started to recruit equites from the allied populations, but equipping them with roman horses, because they were better selected.
As far as the limits of the empire were enlarging, cavalry groups (vexillationes) became more important to grant mobility, presence and visibility.
After the matches with populations that largely employed the horses in battle (Parts, Sarmats) the roman cavalry began to rise in number of knights and to change equipment in a more heavy one, going toward the so called catafracts of the middle-age armies.
We plan to insert in this blog more detailed infos under the tag "Cavalry"
Cavalry starts in the regal period as the personal escort of the king. In the beginning only patricians can be knights, because they can afford an horse; in fact they constituted a social high-rank group, the equites.
Few later, equites were divided in the ones provided of an horse from the public resources (equus publicus) and the ones with an equus privatus (but refunded with public money in case of killing in action) .
In the republican period, at a certain point, also a part of the not patrician class had to be provided with a public horse to rise the number of equites. To be in this group was considered a sort of status symbol and the legend of an ethical supremacy of the knights, starts probably at this point.
On the other side we must admit that the role of the cavalry in the ancient battles was limited in comparison with infantry, at least until the late empire period. So the amount of equites in the army has always been relatively small.
In the late republican period and in the imperial one Romans started to recruit equites from the allied populations, but equipping them with roman horses, because they were better selected.
As far as the limits of the empire were enlarging, cavalry groups (vexillationes) became more important to grant mobility, presence and visibility.
After the matches with populations that largely employed the horses in battle (Parts, Sarmats) the roman cavalry began to rise in number of knights and to change equipment in a more heavy one, going toward the so called catafracts of the middle-age armies.
venerdì 29 maggio 2009
domenica 24 maggio 2009
April 2009
The medal of legionary of the month goes to:
Optio Toe Fermi
The medal of legionary of the month goes to:
Optio Toe Fermi
awarded members,
Legionaire of the month
martedì 12 maggio 2009
LEGION XIII è un gruppo creato per coloro interessati all'Antica Roma e le sue Legioni. La Legione è nata con lo scopo di ricreare con la massima accuratezza possibile lo stile di vita vita ed i costumi dell'antica legione romana.
Il gruppo rispetta, nel limite delle potenzialità offerte da Second Life, il sistema dei ranghi e l'equipaggiamento utilizzato nei primi secoli della Roma imperiale.
La legione del nostro gruppo è formato da un corpo di fanteria e due corpi ausiliari: la cavalleria e le Amazzoni (queste ultime sono state inserite per non precludere la possibilità di entrare a far parte del gruppo anche alle donne).
La legione può usufruire di un forte attrezzato e di qualche "cubucula" per i legionari.
Le attività svolte consistono in combattimenti settimanali, parate e anche conferenze sull'esercito romane sempre all'interno di Second Life.
Durante lo svolgimento dei combattimenti e delle parate i centurioni e gli "Optiones" impartiscono gli ordini in latino.
Si ricorda che il gruppo Legio XIII è un gruppo no profit di persone, non strettamente legato alla ROMA SPQR sim e alle sue attività economiche, e sopravvive grazie alle donazioni dei propri membri.
Il gruppo rispetta, nel limite delle potenzialità offerte da Second Life, il sistema dei ranghi e l'equipaggiamento utilizzato nei primi secoli della Roma imperiale.
La legione del nostro gruppo è formato da un corpo di fanteria e due corpi ausiliari: la cavalleria e le Amazzoni (queste ultime sono state inserite per non precludere la possibilità di entrare a far parte del gruppo anche alle donne).
La legione può usufruire di un forte attrezzato e di qualche "cubucula" per i legionari.
Le attività svolte consistono in combattimenti settimanali, parate e anche conferenze sull'esercito romane sempre all'interno di Second Life.
Durante lo svolgimento dei combattimenti e delle parate i centurioni e gli "Optiones" impartiscono gli ordini in latino.
Si ricorda che il gruppo Legio XIII è un gruppo no profit di persone, non strettamente legato alla ROMA SPQR sim e alle sue attività economiche, e sopravvive grazie alle donazioni dei propri membri.
Che cosa è il gruppo Legio XIII?
The basic structure of the army is as follows:
Contubernium: (tent group) consisted of 8 men.
Centuria: (century) was made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a centurion
Cohorts: (cohort) included 6 centuriae.
Legio: (Legion) consisted of 10 cohorts.
Must learn what behavior is expected from them as members of the Legio, and get familiar with the equipment and weapons. They must learn and train in combat techniques.
Legionaries serve not only as the heart of the legion's fighting force, they are also used for many building and construction projects. Roman roads-many of which are still in existance today-are an example of legionary engineering.
Must keep on training and improve their skills. Have the duty to attend at the events and serve ROMA until the death.
IMMUNES (sing. IMMUNIS) (5 of each):
Have the duty to teach the recruits how to behave in the Legio, how to fit their armor, and how to fight using the combat system. They are directly in charge of the new recruits and must be obeyed by by them at all times. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules. They must report all incidents (good or bad) to the upper ranks. They monitor the progress of the recruits and their attendance at training sessions.
Directly in command of the lower ranks (Much like a modern-day Sergeant). They issue orders on behalf of the Ceturio and Optio, and assist or lead training sessions and parade events. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules, and apply discipline decided by higher ranking officers. They must make weekly reports to an Optio, or to an officer of superior rank. They monitor the leadership of the immunes to be sure they don't abuse their powers against the recruits.
On campaign he is in charge of getting the section's tent erected, along with the fortifications of the camp.
The first of the Principales ranks (non commissioned officers), the Tesserarius' primarily oversees the fatigue and guard duties for the Century.
They are assistants to the Optio. They have the responsibility of organizing guard duties for the lower ranks.
Leads the parade with the standard of the Legio and is responsible for morale - he/she leads the war chants before battles. The Signifer must be present at every parade or event where the Legio is taking part.
On campaign he carried the Century's standard (signum) into battle. This was used not only as a rallying point, but also as a visual means of communication.
Because of his high level of responsibility, the Signifier is third-in-command of the Century.
OPTIONES (sing. OPTIO) (1):
(Like the modern-day 1st Sergeant)
He is personally chosen by the Centurion to serve as his deputy.
Issue orders on behalf of the Centurio and are obeyed by all the lower ranks. They report directly to a Centurio, assist the Centurio in his work, and share command of the Century. They are partly responsible for organizing and leading group events and training sessions. They carry out administrative duties under the order of the Praefectus. They are responsible for the distribution of uniforms, equipment and weapons.
In battle the Optio would either stand behind the formation and keep troops on line and in formation, or else he would stand on the extreme left, able to coordinate with adjacent units.
They have direct command of a Century of the Legio. They are responsible for organizing and leading group events, meetings and training sessions. They teach the troops how to fight as a coordinated group and lead parade drills (Latin commands must be learnt by all during training). They are responsible for the overseeing the conduct of lower ranks and promoting or demoting members. They must monitor the reports from lower ranks and decide punishments if necessary. They have to report their intentions or plans to the Primus Pilus or Praefecto. They issue orders on behalf of the Primus Pilus or Praefecto.
The Centurions are divided as follows:
Century I - Primus Pilus
Century II - Princeps
Century III - Hastatus
Century IV - Princeps Posterior
Century V - Hastatus Posterior
Commanding centurion of the first cohort and the senior centurion of the entire Legion. Responsible for organizing and leading group events or meetings. Helps the Praefecto with running the Legio and administrative duties. Monitors the reports from lower ranks and decides punishments if necessary. Reports intentions or plans to the Praefecto. Issues orders on behalf of the Praefecto.
The camp Prefect. Overall Legionary commander - responsible for the administration of the Legio and auxiliary units. Coordinates production and distribution of uniforms, equipment, weapons and gadgets. Coordinates and organizes events and inter-sim activities. Responsible for the financial administration of the Legio.
We will not have a Legatus Legionis or a Tribunus Laticlavius.
Contubernium: (tent group) consisted of 8 men.
Centuria: (century) was made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a centurion
Cohorts: (cohort) included 6 centuriae.
Legio: (Legion) consisted of 10 cohorts.
Must learn what behavior is expected from them as members of the Legio, and get familiar with the equipment and weapons. They must learn and train in combat techniques.
Legionaries serve not only as the heart of the legion's fighting force, they are also used for many building and construction projects. Roman roads-many of which are still in existance today-are an example of legionary engineering.
Must keep on training and improve their skills. Have the duty to attend at the events and serve ROMA until the death.
IMMUNES (sing. IMMUNIS) (5 of each):
Have the duty to teach the recruits how to behave in the Legio, how to fit their armor, and how to fight using the combat system. They are directly in charge of the new recruits and must be obeyed by by them at all times. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules. They must report all incidents (good or bad) to the upper ranks. They monitor the progress of the recruits and their attendance at training sessions.
Directly in command of the lower ranks (Much like a modern-day Sergeant). They issue orders on behalf of the Ceturio and Optio, and assist or lead training sessions and parade events. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules, and apply discipline decided by higher ranking officers. They must make weekly reports to an Optio, or to an officer of superior rank. They monitor the leadership of the immunes to be sure they don't abuse their powers against the recruits.
On campaign he is in charge of getting the section's tent erected, along with the fortifications of the camp.
The first of the Principales ranks (non commissioned officers), the Tesserarius' primarily oversees the fatigue and guard duties for the Century.
They are assistants to the Optio. They have the responsibility of organizing guard duties for the lower ranks.
Leads the parade with the standard of the Legio and is responsible for morale - he/she leads the war chants before battles. The Signifer must be present at every parade or event where the Legio is taking part.
On campaign he carried the Century's standard (signum) into battle. This was used not only as a rallying point, but also as a visual means of communication.
Because of his high level of responsibility, the Signifier is third-in-command of the Century.
OPTIONES (sing. OPTIO) (1):
(Like the modern-day 1st Sergeant)
He is personally chosen by the Centurion to serve as his deputy.
Issue orders on behalf of the Centurio and are obeyed by all the lower ranks. They report directly to a Centurio, assist the Centurio in his work, and share command of the Century. They are partly responsible for organizing and leading group events and training sessions. They carry out administrative duties under the order of the Praefectus. They are responsible for the distribution of uniforms, equipment and weapons.
In battle the Optio would either stand behind the formation and keep troops on line and in formation, or else he would stand on the extreme left, able to coordinate with adjacent units.
They have direct command of a Century of the Legio. They are responsible for organizing and leading group events, meetings and training sessions. They teach the troops how to fight as a coordinated group and lead parade drills (Latin commands must be learnt by all during training). They are responsible for the overseeing the conduct of lower ranks and promoting or demoting members. They must monitor the reports from lower ranks and decide punishments if necessary. They have to report their intentions or plans to the Primus Pilus or Praefecto. They issue orders on behalf of the Primus Pilus or Praefecto.
The Centurions are divided as follows:
Century I - Primus Pilus
Century II - Princeps
Century III - Hastatus
Century IV - Princeps Posterior
Century V - Hastatus Posterior
Commanding centurion of the first cohort and the senior centurion of the entire Legion. Responsible for organizing and leading group events or meetings. Helps the Praefecto with running the Legio and administrative duties. Monitors the reports from lower ranks and decides punishments if necessary. Reports intentions or plans to the Praefecto. Issues orders on behalf of the Praefecto.
The camp Prefect. Overall Legionary commander - responsible for the administration of the Legio and auxiliary units. Coordinates production and distribution of uniforms, equipment, weapons and gadgets. Coordinates and organizes events and inter-sim activities. Responsible for the financial administration of the Legio.
We will not have a Legatus Legionis or a Tribunus Laticlavius.
ATTENTION: For a schematic overview of the Roman military ranks go to Main military ranks of the imperial roman army
sabato 9 maggio 2009
It is with great honor that the centuriones announce the winner of the Legion Indoor Tournament.
1st place went to Optio Alekso Minotaur.
Congratulations also to the recruit Octavian Dernzen who reached the final.
The first place won the Corona Castrorum, high honorable prize for a soldier wich defeated the enemy.
It is with great honor that the centuriones announce the winner of the Legion Indoor Tournament.
1st place went to Optio Alekso Minotaur.
Congratulations also to the recruit Octavian Dernzen who reached the final.
The first place won the Corona Castrorum, high honorable prize for a soldier wich defeated the enemy.
Thanks to all the members that took part at this event! All made a great job and we were able to have fun.
The final was beetween Alekso and Octavian and after a close fight Alekso won.
It is to appreciate very much that Octavian, that is a recruit, he was able to reach the final match.
Many congratulations to Alekso, that confirmed to be one of the most valuble fighters of the Legio.
(Photo of Alekso will load soon).
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
The final was beetween Alekso and Octavian and after a close fight Alekso won.
It is to appreciate very much that Octavian, that is a recruit, he was able to reach the final match.
Many congratulations to Alekso, that confirmed to be one of the most valuble fighters of the Legio.
(Photo of Alekso will load soon).
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
giovedì 30 aprile 2009
Hello all,
here I am back after being graduation.
Next week, probably on Friday will be a tournament for the Legio, who want to join it can subscript here or send me a card in SL.
I will wait for your subscription.
The winner will obtain the "corona castrorum".
here I am back after being graduation.
Next week, probably on Friday will be a tournament for the Legio, who want to join it can subscript here or send me a card in SL.
I will wait for your subscription.
The winner will obtain the "corona castrorum".
This coin was ordered by the emperor Gallienus to celebrate a victory of some Vexillationes of the XIII Legio Gemina in northern Italy. A Vexillatio is usually part of the legio, but under Gallienus it was a cavalry one. On the coin you can see the head of the emperor on the "recto" and Victory that crowns the lion, symbol of the legio on the "verso".
Questa moneta fu coniata sotto l'imperatore Gallieno per celebrare una vittoria di alcune Vexillationes della XIII Legio Gemina nell'Italia settentrionale. La Vexillatio era in genere un distaccamento della legione ma, sotto Gallieno, era un reparto di cavalleria. Potete vedere sul recto della moneta la testa dell'imperatore mentre sul verso c'è la Vittoria che incorona il leone, simbolo della XIII.
lunedì 27 aprile 2009
Ode alla Tredicesima
Una traduzione in Volgare della tavoletta recentemente rinvenuta e gentilmente pubblicata dal nostro Optio Veteranus Ocean Lynag.
Venere ascolta la prece d'una madre:
La Tredicesima a casa riconduci.
Questa fiaccola accendila per loro,
e che guidi il ritorno la sua luce.
Stanno tornando in bande travagliate
sim percorrendo di terre straniere
Tendi le braccia, stringigli le mani
Che non siano soli!
Vinta è la pugna, più non v'è periglio.
La legion, spinta dal dovere stesso,
traversava financo il Rubicone
ed indietro voltarsi non poteva.
Tutto quel ch'ei potevano l'han dato
Venere, lascia ch'essi vivan tutti!
Col vocativo qui mia dea t'imploro
Guida i superstiti!
Con la salvezza dell'Urbe nella sacca,
se son depressi, tu li risolleva!
Proteggili dal lag sempiterno
quando stremati qui faran ritorno
Attacca i caldi elmetti al loro mento,
Aiutali a trovare skin nuove...
Calmali, se non possono loggare
Rezzagli i cavalli!
Trova per loro un posto per sedere:
vengono a casa per riequipaggiarsi.
Non fuggirono, assolto è il lor dovere,
vinto è il nemico! la Tredicesima,
tre centurie, amazzoni ed equestri,
i fidi celti e gli uomini di mare
saranno sempre a noi restituiti,
potente Venere!
Venere ascolta la prece d'una madre:
La Tredicesima a casa riconduci.
Questa fiaccola accendila per loro,
e che guidi il ritorno la sua luce.
Stanno tornando in bande travagliate
sim percorrendo di terre straniere
Tendi le braccia, stringigli le mani
Che non siano soli!
Vinta è la pugna, più non v'è periglio.
La legion, spinta dal dovere stesso,
traversava financo il Rubicone
ed indietro voltarsi non poteva.
Tutto quel ch'ei potevano l'han dato
Venere, lascia ch'essi vivan tutti!
Col vocativo qui mia dea t'imploro
Guida i superstiti!
Con la salvezza dell'Urbe nella sacca,
se son depressi, tu li risolleva!
Proteggili dal lag sempiterno
quando stremati qui faran ritorno
Attacca i caldi elmetti al loro mento,
Aiutali a trovare skin nuove...
Calmali, se non possono loggare
Rezzagli i cavalli!
Trova per loro un posto per sedere:
vengono a casa per riequipaggiarsi.
Non fuggirono, assolto è il lor dovere,
vinto è il nemico! la Tredicesima,
tre centurie, amazzoni ed equestri,
i fidi celti e gli uomini di mare
saranno sempre a noi restituiti,
potente Venere!
martedì 31 marzo 2009
Ode to the Thirteenth.
Archaeologists digging at an old temple recently discovered an ancient tablet at the bottom of a sacrificial well. The tablet has now been cleaned up and translated - I thought you might like to read the contents:
O Venus, hear a mother's plea,
And bring the Thirteenth home to me,
Please keep this flame for them to see,
A light to guide them home.
They're coming now in straggling bands,
Across the sims of foreign lands,
Reach out your arms and hold their hands,
So they are not alone.
The battle's won, the danger's gone,
Their duty drove the Legion on,
They even crossed the Rubicon,
They could not turn again.
They've given all that they could give,
O Venus, let them all still live,
I'm pleading in the vocative,
Guard all those that remain.
Now Roma's safety's in the bag,
Please lift them if they start to sag,
Protect them from the chronic lag,
As they return exhausted.
Attach warm helmets to their chin,
Help them to find replacement skin,
And calm them when they can't log in,
Or rez their lovely horses.
Make sure they have some room to sit,
They're coming home to be re-fit,
Their work is done, they didn't quit,
The enemy surrendered.
The Thirteenth now, its centuries three,
Its Amazons and its Cavalry,
Its Celts, and its Marines at sea,
Will always be re-rendered.
O Venus, hear a mother's plea,
And bring the Thirteenth home to me,
Please keep this flame for them to see,
A light to guide them home.
They're coming now in straggling bands,
Across the sims of foreign lands,
Reach out your arms and hold their hands,
So they are not alone.
The battle's won, the danger's gone,
Their duty drove the Legion on,
They even crossed the Rubicon,
They could not turn again.
They've given all that they could give,
O Venus, let them all still live,
I'm pleading in the vocative,
Guard all those that remain.
Now Roma's safety's in the bag,
Please lift them if they start to sag,
Protect them from the chronic lag,
As they return exhausted.
Attach warm helmets to their chin,
Help them to find replacement skin,
And calm them when they can't log in,
Or rez their lovely horses.
Make sure they have some room to sit,
They're coming home to be re-fit,
Their work is done, they didn't quit,
The enemy surrendered.
The Thirteenth now, its centuries three,
Its Amazons and its Cavalry,
Its Celts, and its Marines at sea,
Will always be re-rendered.
lunedì 30 marzo 2009
Salve all,
we had an high officers meeting and we decided that the only LEGIO XIII blog it will be the blogger one at this address
The other groups as in the Theatrum Romanum will be deleted soon.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
we had an high officers meeting and we decided that the only LEGIO XIII blog it will be the blogger one at this address
The other groups as in the Theatrum Romanum will be deleted soon.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
Legio XIII Equipment Vendor
Ave Legio XIII Gemina!
If you have lost a piece of equipment or a weapon, or missed an update, you can (after you have been flogged) re-equip yourself using the Legio XIII Equipment Vendor (see attached landmark). Note that you must be wearing the correct group title to access the vendor.
Praefectus Vectus Margulis
If you have lost a piece of equipment or a weapon, or missed an update, you can (after you have been flogged) re-equip yourself using the Legio XIII Equipment Vendor (see attached landmark). Note that you must be wearing the correct group title to access the vendor.
Praefectus Vectus Margulis
sabato 14 marzo 2009
Hello all,
here there are the new round of promotions.
Melanippe Karas is now Optio of Amazzons
Toe Fermi is now Optio
Toth Auebauch is now Optio
Peter Woody is now Optio
Alekso Minotaur is now Optio
Paol Franizzi is now Tesserarius
Congratulation all!
here there are the new round of promotions.
Melanippe Karas is now Optio of Amazzons
Toe Fermi is now Optio
Toth Auebauch is now Optio
Peter Woody is now Optio
Alekso Minotaur is now Optio
Paol Franizzi is now Tesserarius
Congratulation all!
domenica 8 marzo 2009
Salvete Amazons and Legionaries!
Helena Eiren and Iain Carbenell have successfully finished their recruitment period.
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
Helena Eiren and Iain Carbenell have successfully finished their recruitment period.
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
venerdì 27 febbraio 2009
Salvete legionaries,
Due to their other duties in ROMA (or in RL), some people cannot serve as best as they would, that's why they asked to be moved to the rank of Veteranus of the XIII legion:
Optio JT Vale
Optio Ocean Lynagh
Centurio Franck gazov
Don't forget to change your group title.
May the enemy fear you, veteranii!
Princeps Achilles Claudius in behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the centuriones
Due to their other duties in ROMA (or in RL), some people cannot serve as best as they would, that's why they asked to be moved to the rank of Veteranus of the XIII legion:
Optio JT Vale
Optio Ocean Lynagh
Centurio Franck gazov
Don't forget to change your group title.
May the enemy fear you, veteranii!
Princeps Achilles Claudius in behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the centuriones
mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009
Hello all, after a while here it is the legionaire of the month of Jannuary:
the winner is: Peter Woody. He did a nice job at the parade in Roma Centro expecially, he was very often at the meetings also, so he deserves the medal!
the winner is: Peter Woody. He did a nice job at the parade in Roma Centro expecially, he was very often at the meetings also, so he deserves the medal!
awarded members,
Group info,
Legionaire of the month
mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009
Hello all,
I know I waited a bit to post this, but I was busy in RL.
I want to say thanks to all the ones that came at the conference and the parade in ROMA CENTRO SIM. We did a great impression and you did a very good job! The movement of the parade was good, we were able to keep the positions!
I am very happy to have recived from you all the CORONA MURALIS, because it means that I am doing a good job and that I am able to make you all have fun.
Here there are some pictures of the event, please if you have some send them to me at I will be happy to post them here.
Thanks you all again,
I know I waited a bit to post this, but I was busy in RL.
I want to say thanks to all the ones that came at the conference and the parade in ROMA CENTRO SIM. We did a great impression and you did a very good job! The movement of the parade was good, we were able to keep the positions!
I am very happy to have recived from you all the CORONA MURALIS, because it means that I am doing a good job and that I am able to make you all have fun.
Here there are some pictures of the event, please if you have some send them to me at I will be happy to post them here.
Thanks you all again,
We have very few notices about the medical art in the roman army in the republican age. Titus Livius et al. tell us that the soldiers wounded in action were carried in the villages, in the surroundings of the battlefield, to be assisted.
The emperor Augustus, in his reform of the army, introduced the military doctors, specifically trained, not as the civilian ones. They were enrolled as the other soldiers, remaining on duty about 16 years long.
In the army, Romans had one doctor for each cohors and two for the first-line one. They were under the command of the praefectus castrensis and of a chief-doctor, which was often the personal doctor of the emperor.
Cavalry had its own doctors (medici alarum) and so had the navy (medici triremis). In the army the ranks in descending order were medicus legionaris, medicus coorti and medicus ordinarii. This one had a rank corresponding to the centurio, but without an effective power on the soldiers, being that rank not really recognized, as the doctor doesn’t take active part in the battle.
The medical care of the wounded men was made directly on the field. In the worse cases the soldier was carried in the valetudinarium in castris, a sort of field-hospital capable of 200 beds: we have discovered evidences in some city that have its origin in a roman military camp.
A good video with a reconstruction of this hospital is at the following address
The commander of the valetudinarium was the medicus castrensis, exempted from any other duty and assisted by capsarii (wardrobe attendant), frictores (masseurs), unguentarii (for applying oils), curators operis (physicians), optiones valetudinarii (with feeding or administrative duties).
Roman doctors were particularly skilled in traumatology and hygienic matters. Their presence in the castra (chester), widespread all over Europe, highly contributed to the developing of the modern medicine.
We have very few notices about the medical art in the roman army in the republican age. Titus Livius et al. tell us that the soldiers wounded in action were carried in the villages, in the surroundings of the battlefield, to be assisted.
The emperor Augustus, in his reform of the army, introduced the military doctors, specifically trained, not as the civilian ones. They were enrolled as the other soldiers, remaining on duty about 16 years long.
In the army, Romans had one doctor for each cohors and two for the first-line one. They were under the command of the praefectus castrensis and of a chief-doctor, which was often the personal doctor of the emperor.
Cavalry had its own doctors (medici alarum) and so had the navy (medici triremis). In the army the ranks in descending order were medicus legionaris, medicus coorti and medicus ordinarii. This one had a rank corresponding to the centurio, but without an effective power on the soldiers, being that rank not really recognized, as the doctor doesn’t take active part in the battle.
The medical care of the wounded men was made directly on the field. In the worse cases the soldier was carried in the valetudinarium in castris, a sort of field-hospital capable of 200 beds: we have discovered evidences in some city that have its origin in a roman military camp.
A good video with a reconstruction of this hospital is at the following address
The commander of the valetudinarium was the medicus castrensis, exempted from any other duty and assisted by capsarii (wardrobe attendant), frictores (masseurs), unguentarii (for applying oils), curators operis (physicians), optiones valetudinarii (with feeding or administrative duties).
Roman doctors were particularly skilled in traumatology and hygienic matters. Their presence in the castra (chester), widespread all over Europe, highly contributed to the developing of the modern medicine.
Sappiamo molto poco riguardo alla medicina militare nell'età repubblicana. Autori come Tito Livio, raccontano che i feriti nelle battaglie venivano portati nei villaggi nei pressi della zone di conflitto per essere curati.
Con la riforma dell'esercito di Augusto vennero introdotti i medici militari che avevano ricevuto, al contrario di quelli civili, una specifica formazione. I medici militari venivano arruolati come gli altri soldati e rimanevano in servizio per circa 16 anni.
Nell'esercito romano c'era un medico per ogni coorte e due per quella in prima linea. Dipendevano dal praefectus castrensis e da un medico capo che spesso era anche il medico personale dell'imperatore.
La cavalleria possedeva propri medici (medici alarum) così come nella marina vi erano i medici triremis.
Vi era anche una gradazione dei medici militari in medicus legionaris, medicus coorti, ed infine il medicus ordinarii che aveva il grado corispondente a quello di centurione, ma senza un comando effettivo su i soldati. I medici infatti non venivano considerati uffuciali "effettivi", in quanto non partecipavano direttamente alle battaglie.
L'assistenza ai feriti veniva prestata direttamente sul campo, all'aperto; per i casi più gravi c'era il valetudinarium in castris, una sorta di ospedale da campo che poteva contenere fino a 200 pazienti. Ne sono stati trovati i resti in diverse città-accampamento.
Un bel filmato si può vedere in
A capo del valetudinarium era il "medicus castrensis", esentato da ogni altro servizio, assistito da capsarii (infermieri guardarobieri), frictores (massaggiatori), unguentarii , curatores operis (addetti al servizio farmaceutico), optiones valetudinarii (addetti al vitto e all'amministrazione).
I piunti di forza della medicina militare romana erano la traumatologia e l'igiene. La presenza di castra sparsi per tutta europa contribuì grandemente allo sviluppo della medicina moderna.
Sappiamo molto poco riguardo alla medicina militare nell'età repubblicana. Autori come Tito Livio, raccontano che i feriti nelle battaglie venivano portati nei villaggi nei pressi della zone di conflitto per essere curati.
Con la riforma dell'esercito di Augusto vennero introdotti i medici militari che avevano ricevuto, al contrario di quelli civili, una specifica formazione. I medici militari venivano arruolati come gli altri soldati e rimanevano in servizio per circa 16 anni.
Nell'esercito romano c'era un medico per ogni coorte e due per quella in prima linea. Dipendevano dal praefectus castrensis e da un medico capo che spesso era anche il medico personale dell'imperatore.
La cavalleria possedeva propri medici (medici alarum) così come nella marina vi erano i medici triremis.
Vi era anche una gradazione dei medici militari in medicus legionaris, medicus coorti, ed infine il medicus ordinarii che aveva il grado corispondente a quello di centurione, ma senza un comando effettivo su i soldati. I medici infatti non venivano considerati uffuciali "effettivi", in quanto non partecipavano direttamente alle battaglie.
L'assistenza ai feriti veniva prestata direttamente sul campo, all'aperto; per i casi più gravi c'era il valetudinarium in castris, una sorta di ospedale da campo che poteva contenere fino a 200 pazienti. Ne sono stati trovati i resti in diverse città-accampamento.
Un bel filmato si può vedere in
A capo del valetudinarium era il "medicus castrensis", esentato da ogni altro servizio, assistito da capsarii (infermieri guardarobieri), frictores (massaggiatori), unguentarii , curatores operis (addetti al servizio farmaceutico), optiones valetudinarii (addetti al vitto e all'amministrazione).
I piunti di forza della medicina militare romana erano la traumatologia e l'igiene. La presenza di castra sparsi per tutta europa contribuì grandemente allo sviluppo della medicina moderna.
Historical info,
Italian posts
domenica 1 febbraio 2009
Lizzz Gothly has successfully finished her recruitmen period and is now a miles in Amazons. CONGRATULATIONS!
The following recruits get a last chance to show activity by prolongation of recruitment-period:
Domitian Republic, Djamena Azalee, Hermes Falconer.
Not being at least a bit active may result in being ejected from the Legion!
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
The following recruits get a last chance to show activity by prolongation of recruitment-period:
Domitian Republic, Djamena Azalee, Hermes Falconer.
Not being at least a bit active may result in being ejected from the Legion!
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
mercoledì 21 gennaio 2009
Ave all,
the 30 th of this month will be a conference in ROMA CENTRO SIM where will be taken from me and Achille (maybe) in Italian, as the sim requested, about the roman army. After it will be a parade.
All are invited to join it! We will have some training for the parade, first will be this Friday.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
the 30 th of this month will be a conference in ROMA CENTRO SIM where will be taken from me and Achille (maybe) in Italian, as the sim requested, about the roman army. After it will be a parade.
All are invited to join it! We will have some training for the parade, first will be this Friday.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration
sabato 17 gennaio 2009
Hello all,
the Legionaire of the month of December is Toth Auebauch for his great work for the Saturnalia and for the Legio in general!
Picture will be loaded soon.
the Legionaire of the month of December is Toth Auebauch for his great work for the Saturnalia and for the Legio in general!
Picture will be loaded soon.
awarded members,
Group info,
Legionaire of the month
giovedì 15 gennaio 2009
Salvete soldiers!
As you probably already heard, the upcoming friday, 16th february, we will be visited the whole time from visitors from REAL LIFE!!
Read the attached card to know more!!!
I look forward to meet you there. Valete.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration; Princeps Achilles Claudius;Tonina Rodenberger; Jo Soler; Zillatron Glume
As you probably already heard, the upcoming friday, 16th february, we will be visited the whole time from visitors from REAL LIFE!!
Read the attached card to know more!!!
I look forward to meet you there. Valete.
Primus Pilus Brodbiz Bagration; Princeps Achilles Claudius;Tonina Rodenberger; Jo Soler; Zillatron Glume
The following recruits have successfully finished their recruitment period:
Teddybear Skytower (Cen III), Ghost Vantelli. Life Juliesse and sophia Swords.
They will get an invitation to their new group.
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
Teddybear Skytower (Cen III), Ghost Vantelli. Life Juliesse and sophia Swords.
They will get an invitation to their new group.
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
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