sabato 11 ottobre 2008


The SL Legion was established as a tribute to the real Legion XIII. In this spirit roleplay is encouraged but Legionaries should conduct themselves with honor and respect for others. Our aim of re-creating the lives and dress of the ancient roman legion as accurately as possible requires that our members be willing to adapt their behavior and appearance when wearing the Legion group title, and during Roleplay in Roma.
The group is subdivided in 3 subgruops:

Our army is subdivided in 3 centuries and each one has

RECRUITS: Must learn what behavior is expected from them as members of the Legio, and get familiar with the equipment and weapons. They must learn and train in combat techniques.

IMMUNES AND PRINCIPALES (5 of each): Have the duty to teach the recruits how to behave in the Legio, how to fit their armor, and how to fight using the combat system. They are directly in charge of the new recruits and must be obeyed by by them at all times. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules. They must report all incidents (good or bad) to the upper ranks. They monitor the progress of the recruits and their attendance at training sessions.

THE IMMUNES SIGNIFER (1): Leads the parade with the standard of the Legio and is responsible for morale - he/she leads the war chants before battles. The Signifer must be present at every parade or event where the Legio is taking part.

DECURIONES (8): Directly in command of the lower ranks. They issue orders on behalf of the Ceturio and Optio, and assist or lead training sessions and parade events. They must correct the behavior of members who are ignoring or disobeying the conduct rules, and apply discipline decided by higher ranking officers. They must make weekly reports to an Optio, or to an officer of superior rank. They monitor the leadership of the immunes and Principales to be sure they don't abuse their powers against the recruits.
OPTIONES (1): Issue orders on behalf of the Centurio and are obeyed by all the lower ranks. They report directly to a Centurio, assist the Centurio in his work, and share command of the Century. They are partly responsible for organizing and leading group events and training sessions. They carry out administrative duties under the order of the Praefectus. They are responsible for the distribution of uniforms, equipment and weapons.

CENTURIONES (1): They have direct command of a Century of the Legio. They are responsible for organizing and leading group events, meetings and training sessions. They teach the troops how to fight as a coordinated group and lead parade drills (Latin commands must be learnt by all during training). They are responsible for the overseeing the conduct of lower ranks and promoting or demoting members. They must monitor the reports from lower ranks and decide punishments if necessary. They have to report their intentions or plans to the Primus Pilus or Praefecto. They issue orders on behalf of the Primus Pilus or Praefecto.

The Centurions are divided as follows:

Century I - Primus Pilus
Century II - Princeps
Century III - Hastatus

PRIMUS PILUM (1): Commanding all the others centurions of the Legion. Responsible for organizing and leading group events or meetings. Helps the Praefecto with running the Legio and administrative duties. Monitors the reports from lower ranks and decides punishments if necessary. Reports intentions or plans to the Praefecto. Issues orders on behalf of the Praefecto.

PRAEFECTUS (1): The camp Prefect. Overall Legionary commander - responsible for the administration of the Legio and auxiliary units. Coordinates production and distribution of uniforms, equipment, weapons and gadgets. Coordinates and organizes events and inter-sim activities. Responsible for the financial administration of the Legio.

We will not have a Legatus Legionis or a Tribunus Laticlavius.

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