On Sunday, the 20th of February, ROMA Maritima hosted the Legion's classis Naumachia (a sea battle).
The battle has been fought by the Green Team, 2 ships captained by Centurio Hastatus Petrus Cornelius and Optio Ragark TIberius Iulius, and the Blue Team, 2 ships captained by Centurio Princeps Achilles Claudius and Centurio Amazona Nina Tiberia.
After many issued and risks such as loosing a ship, the Blue Team sinked all of the two Green ships and won the sea battle.
The following members of the Blue Team have been awarded with the Phalera Miles Extraordinarius (Winner of a ROMA event):
Centurio Princeps Achilles Claudius
Centurio Amazona Nina Tiberia
Optio Amazona Melanippe
Miles Ferox Jale Albatros
Miles Ferox Darkus (dragonofnight)
For his special efforts in re-organizing the new Classis of the ROMA SPQR LEGIO XIII GEMINA, getting the new ships, building the new harbor, teaching the classiarii and his dedication to the whole Legio, the Centuriones in behalf of the Praefectus Castrorum Vectus Margulis are proud to award Optio Ferox Ragark Tiberius Iulius with the CORONA NAVALIS (the maximal award for sea actions).