Hello all,
I want to wish you happy hollidays!
Enjoy them, and have fun!
lunedì 26 dicembre 2011
venerdì 16 dicembre 2011
Roma SPQR and Legio XIII presentation in RL event
Salve all,
I am happy to inform you all that tomorrow, in Roma (Real life one) will be a presentation of our Legio group and of the ROMA SPQR world, during a fund rasing by Telethon; will be shown our pics and 2 introductive videos.
This is also, hopefully, the begining of a collaboration with a historical re-enactment group called Civiltà Romana (www.civiltaromana.it).
We have to say thanks for this opportunity expecially to:
Tribunus Brodbiz Bagration
I am happy to inform you all that tomorrow, in Roma (Real life one) will be a presentation of our Legio group and of the ROMA SPQR world, during a fund rasing by Telethon; will be shown our pics and 2 introductive videos.
This is also, hopefully, the begining of a collaboration with a historical re-enactment group called Civiltà Romana (www.civiltaromana.it).
We have to say thanks for this opportunity expecially to:
- the President Mr. Massimo Prioli,
- the chief of Press and Public Reletions Office Mr. Nicola Marcelli
- the chief of Events Organization Office Mr. Antonio Paoletti
Tribunus Brodbiz Bagration
martedì 1 novembre 2011
Main festivals in honor of Mars
In ancient Rome the worship of Mars had a particular place. In the age of kings it was set up a council of priests, called Salii, that had to controll the twelve sacred shields: the Ancilia.
His festivals that were celebrated in March were:
During the Equirria the priests held ceremonies of purification of the army. Were also held horse races in Campo Martio.
During the Quinquatrus were cleaned the sacred shields.
During the Tubilustrum were cleaned the trumpets used by the Salii in their ceremonies and the weapons were prepeared after the winter.
In October there was also a festival, called Armilustrum, during the weapons were purified and prepeared for the pause of winter.
His festivals that were celebrated in March were:
- feriae Martis
- Equirria
- Agonium martialae
- Quinquatrus
- Tubilustrum
During the Equirria the priests held ceremonies of purification of the army. Were also held horse races in Campo Martio.
During the Quinquatrus were cleaned the sacred shields.
During the Tubilustrum were cleaned the trumpets used by the Salii in their ceremonies and the weapons were prepeared after the winter.
In October there was also a festival, called Armilustrum, during the weapons were purified and prepeared for the pause of winter.
lunedì 31 ottobre 2011
Legions dislocations

See the map of the Legions dislocations in the 80 AD at https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjzquBlpp522mpHnbu_pFgIUbt9Di-CBYEiVPyUFSe6OcZ9Lt0jejwIsy0RVaD71CcBgsYb-JUWYmYg-QxJkHBvTWUPKpP2R1zGm5NOuxDB6822U8zmNvT3kOsXY4NTCMN7_naaj0Add1rZ/s1600/legioni_dislocazione.gif
All rights reserved by http://www.romanoimpero.com
A big loss for our Legio
I want to express my sorrow for the leaving of Second Life by Jo Soler.
She did a lot for our group, expecially she helped the Amazons group to grow; however she was very helpful in the organization of all the activities of our group.
We have always to remember that everyone has duties, that could make impossible to remain in Second Life.
I wish her all the best.
I want to express my sorrow for the leaving of Second Life by Jo Soler.
She did a lot for our group, expecially she helped the Amazons group to grow; however she was very helpful in the organization of all the activities of our group.
We have always to remember that everyone has duties, that could make impossible to remain in Second Life.
I wish her all the best.
martedì 2 agosto 2011
Il pasto dei legionari durante le marce non doveva essere molto abbondante, se ci atteniamo alle fonti (Historia augusta), che attestano la presenza nel rancio di lardo, formaggio ,gallette e la posca , una bevanda costituita da acqua e mista ad aceto (Posca).
il soldato di guarnigione poteva permettersi qualche lusso alimentare : in particolare egli preferiva alimenti sotto sale, condimenti e salumi.Da scavi archeologici effettuati nelle discariche degli accampamenti sappiamo anche che i legionari consumavano grandi quantità di carne.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Durante l’intera giornata, gli antichi romani facevano tre pasti principali: jentaculum, prandium e coena. Il primo pasto corrispondeva, più o meno, alla nostra prima colazione; era a base di pane, formaggio, latte, miele, vino e frutta secca e si consumava molto velocemente. In tarda mattinata si faceva un’altro spuntino veloce e freddo a base di pesce, pane, frutta, legumi e vino.
Corrispondeva, all’incirca, al nostro pranzo ma era talmente "spartano" che non era necessario apparecchiare la tavola e nemmeno lavarsi le mani a fine pasto.
Il pasto importante avveniva, invece, nel pomeriggio dopo il solito bagno alle terme e, a volte, si protraeva fino all’alba del giorno successivo.
Quello che sappiamo oggi ci arriva principalmente dal ricettario di Apicio, un noto gastronomo di età Imperiale, che scrisse: "De re coquinaria" da dove possiamo trarre la maggiore conoscenza sulla cucina romana antica.
L’ingrediente principale della cucina Romana era il "garum" Il garum è una salsa liquida di interiora di pesce e pesce salato che gli antichi Romani aggiungevano come condimento a molti primi piatti e secondi piatti.
Il pepe, il cumino e il ligustico erano le spezie più usate e i "piatti forti" erano a base di carne, principalmente il maiale.
Una caratteristica della cucina dell’antica Roma era l’accostamento di sapori contrastanti tipo il dolce con il piccante o il dolce con lo speziato.
La carne più utilizzata nella cucina dagli antichi romani era quella di suino.
Le parti più apprezzate del maiale erano le mammelle e la vulva della scrofa perché considerati utili contro il malocchio. La carne migliore era, però, considerata quella di capretto e d’agnello, mentre la carne meno pregiata era quella di montone e capra.
Molto apprezzata era la carne dei volatili, sia quelli allevati nei cortili e nelle voliere sia la selvaggina cacciata.
Oltre a tordi e piccioni, i romani amavano cucinare animali importati da diverse regioni dell’impero, come fenicotteri, cicogne e grù; i più ricercati erano i piatti a base di fagiano e pavone. I più ricchi amavano gustare piatti a base di ghiro, e fenicottero di cui era molto ricercata la lingua.
All’allevamento di ghiri (gliraria) erano dedicate delle cure molto scrupolose.
Per quanto riguarda la carne di pollo, non era molto apprezzata e veniva consumata principalmente dai poveri.
Nell’antica Roma si mangiava anche l’asino selvatico (onager) e la selvaggina come il cinghiale, la lepre, l’oca, l’anatra, il cervo, il capriolo e il daino.
Altro alimento fondamentale nella dieta degli antichi romani era il pesce. Inizialmente veniva consumato soltanto nei periodi di carestia ma presto venne considerato un piatto prelibato e un alimento essenziale.
Tra le specie più conosciute c’erano l’orata, il luccio, la sogliola e la triglia.
Di solito il pesce veniva accompagnato da verdure bollite e anche da fegato e da carni varie.
Nella cucina dell’antica Roma, erano molto apprezzati anche i pesci allevati nelle piscine: scampi, seppie, polpi, astici, aragoste e molluschi vari che venivano insaporiti con ogni sorta di salse e accompagnati con uova di anitra, pernice e piccione.ra i molluschi il più richiesto era l’ostrica e molti personaggi benestanti possedevano addirittura degli allevamenti per coltivare personalmente le ostriche.
era la colazione per gli antichi Romani e poteva essere costituito o da pane , miele,formaggio,uova,latte e acqua o da biscotti intinti nel vino o ancora dagli avanzi della sera precedente, se avevano avuto ospiti, o se erano stati invitati e avevano portato con sé qualcosa del menù del giorno prima.
consisteva in un leggero pasto freddo a base di verdure, uova, pesce e funghi , carni fredde e in genere veniva consumato fuori casa nelle taverne.
Uova sode
Con salsa di liquamen,olio,puro o derivato da liquamen,pepe e silfio
Si preparavano infatti piadine o focacce, cotte nella cenere e si univano a formaggio, olive, uova o funghi proprio similmente a certi tipi di pizze che specialmente a Roma si trovano tutt’oggi.
Carne fredda e pesce
antipasto stuzzicante per risvegliare l’appetito con uova, verdure e ostriche
Ova Elixa/ Uovo sodo
Uova, garum, olio, pepe, laser (assafetida)
formaggio di capra, pinoli, mentuccia, timo, santoreggia, origano, aceto, pepe, olio
Lenticchie, porro, coriandolo, puleggio, laser (assafetida), menta, ruta, aceto, miele, garum, vino cotto, olio, pepe,
amido di frumento
Primae mensae
piatti di pesce , carne,verdura ,arrosti preparati in modo elaborato
Porcellum oenococtum /Maiale in salsa di vino
Prepara e lascia insaporire il maiale. Aggiungi in una pentola olio, garum, vino, acqua, aggiungi un manciata di porri, di coriandolo; colora a metà cottura con vino. Metti in un mortaio pepe, ligustro, cumino, origano, seme di sedano, radice di silfio. Trita e versa il garum, il grasso colato dal maiale stesso, aggiungi il vino e il passito; amalgama con farina, metti il porcello ben preparato in una padella, cospargi il pepe.
Thynnus uvae/Tonno all'uva
Mettete le fette di tonno e le cipolle tagliate a fette sottili in una padella dove avrete fatto riscaldare l’olio.
Quando il tonno sarà leggermente dorato levatelo dalla padella lasciando le cipolle ed aggiungete la farina mescolando per ottenere una salsa.
Aggiungete quindi pepe, cumino, coriandolo, garum, uva, aceto, miele sempre mescolando e, quando saranno ben amalgamati, rimettete a cuocere il tonno.
Fate cuocere per circa 15 minuti.
Servite ben caldo.
Pullus Vardanus/Pollo di Vardo
pollo, garum, olio, vino, porro, coriandolo, santoreggia, pepe, pinoli, latte,uova
Secundae mensae
Dolci ,frutta secca e fresca
Palmulae farti/Datteri farciti
Snocciolate i datteri (al naturale, ovviamente) e riempiteli di pinoli e noci preventivamente triturati, aggiungendo un pò di pepe. Saltate leggermente i datteri e fateli friggere nel miele.
Torta cartaginensis (ricetta di Catone)
Mescolate la farina al latte, facendo in modo che non si formino grumi. Incorporate a poco a poco tutto il formaggio, quindi aggiungete il miele (che dev'essere un pò fluido) e le uova. Fate cuocere il tutto in una marmitta di terra, finchè non sarà diventato consistente e un pò untuoso.
Dulcis ex nucibus pinea/Dolce ai pinoli
Prendete un impasto abbastanza liquido mescolando al latte il pepe verde, i pinoli sgusciati, il miele, il succo di limone e il vino; mettetelo a fuoco molto basso, e quando comincia a rapprendersi unite le uova sbattute. Servite versandoci sopre il miele e spolverando di pepe.
Tutto il pasto era accompagnato da abbondante vino in genere non bevuto schietto , ma miscelato con acqua , calda o fredda. Le portate di una cena , comunque , non dovevano essere meno di sette in totale.
*** VINI ***
Il Vino era raramente limpido e veniva di solito filtrato con un passino (colum), si beveva quasi sempre allungato con acqua calda o fredda (in inverno a volte anche con neve) in modo da ridurne la gradazione alcolica di solito da 15/16 a 5/6 gradi. I tipi più pregiati erano il Massico e il Falerno (dalla Campania), il Cecubo, il Volturno, l' Albano e il Sabino (dal Lazio) e il Setino. Sulle anfore utilizzate per il trasporto era impressa in una targhetta (pittacium) l'origine e la data di produzione per tutelare l'acquirente, anche se già in quell'epoca esistevano casi di adulterazione.
Il Gustaticium era un aperitivo che si beveva a digiuno prima del pasto, mescolato con miele(mulsum).
Il Passum era un vino fatto con uve secche usato, in genere, come medicinale.
Il consumo medio di vino in un anno è stato calcolato in 140 - 180 litri a persona, questo grande consumo si pensa che sia dovuto anche al grande apporto calorico che dava alla dieta romana costituita in gran parte da cereali e vegetali.
Il pasto dei legionari durante le marce non doveva essere molto abbondante, se ci atteniamo alle fonti (Historia augusta), che attestano la presenza nel rancio di lardo, formaggio ,gallette e la posca , una bevanda costituita da acqua e mista ad aceto (Posca).
il soldato di guarnigione poteva permettersi qualche lusso alimentare : in particolare egli preferiva alimenti sotto sale, condimenti e salumi.Da scavi archeologici effettuati nelle discariche degli accampamenti sappiamo anche che i legionari consumavano grandi quantità di carne.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Durante l’intera giornata, gli antichi romani facevano tre pasti principali: jentaculum, prandium e coena. Il primo pasto corrispondeva, più o meno, alla nostra prima colazione; era a base di pane, formaggio, latte, miele, vino e frutta secca e si consumava molto velocemente. In tarda mattinata si faceva un’altro spuntino veloce e freddo a base di pesce, pane, frutta, legumi e vino.
Corrispondeva, all’incirca, al nostro pranzo ma era talmente "spartano" che non era necessario apparecchiare la tavola e nemmeno lavarsi le mani a fine pasto.
Il pasto importante avveniva, invece, nel pomeriggio dopo il solito bagno alle terme e, a volte, si protraeva fino all’alba del giorno successivo.
Quello che sappiamo oggi ci arriva principalmente dal ricettario di Apicio, un noto gastronomo di età Imperiale, che scrisse: "De re coquinaria" da dove possiamo trarre la maggiore conoscenza sulla cucina romana antica.
L’ingrediente principale della cucina Romana era il "garum" Il garum è una salsa liquida di interiora di pesce e pesce salato che gli antichi Romani aggiungevano come condimento a molti primi piatti e secondi piatti.
Il pepe, il cumino e il ligustico erano le spezie più usate e i "piatti forti" erano a base di carne, principalmente il maiale.
Una caratteristica della cucina dell’antica Roma era l’accostamento di sapori contrastanti tipo il dolce con il piccante o il dolce con lo speziato.
La carne più utilizzata nella cucina dagli antichi romani era quella di suino.
Le parti più apprezzate del maiale erano le mammelle e la vulva della scrofa perché considerati utili contro il malocchio. La carne migliore era, però, considerata quella di capretto e d’agnello, mentre la carne meno pregiata era quella di montone e capra.
Molto apprezzata era la carne dei volatili, sia quelli allevati nei cortili e nelle voliere sia la selvaggina cacciata.
Oltre a tordi e piccioni, i romani amavano cucinare animali importati da diverse regioni dell’impero, come fenicotteri, cicogne e grù; i più ricercati erano i piatti a base di fagiano e pavone. I più ricchi amavano gustare piatti a base di ghiro, e fenicottero di cui era molto ricercata la lingua.
All’allevamento di ghiri (gliraria) erano dedicate delle cure molto scrupolose.
Per quanto riguarda la carne di pollo, non era molto apprezzata e veniva consumata principalmente dai poveri.
Nell’antica Roma si mangiava anche l’asino selvatico (onager) e la selvaggina come il cinghiale, la lepre, l’oca, l’anatra, il cervo, il capriolo e il daino.
Altro alimento fondamentale nella dieta degli antichi romani era il pesce. Inizialmente veniva consumato soltanto nei periodi di carestia ma presto venne considerato un piatto prelibato e un alimento essenziale.
Tra le specie più conosciute c’erano l’orata, il luccio, la sogliola e la triglia.
Di solito il pesce veniva accompagnato da verdure bollite e anche da fegato e da carni varie.
Nella cucina dell’antica Roma, erano molto apprezzati anche i pesci allevati nelle piscine: scampi, seppie, polpi, astici, aragoste e molluschi vari che venivano insaporiti con ogni sorta di salse e accompagnati con uova di anitra, pernice e piccione.ra i molluschi il più richiesto era l’ostrica e molti personaggi benestanti possedevano addirittura degli allevamenti per coltivare personalmente le ostriche.
era la colazione per gli antichi Romani e poteva essere costituito o da pane , miele,formaggio,uova,latte e acqua o da biscotti intinti nel vino o ancora dagli avanzi della sera precedente, se avevano avuto ospiti, o se erano stati invitati e avevano portato con sé qualcosa del menù del giorno prima.
consisteva in un leggero pasto freddo a base di verdure, uova, pesce e funghi , carni fredde e in genere veniva consumato fuori casa nelle taverne.
Uova sode
Con salsa di liquamen,olio,puro o derivato da liquamen,pepe e silfio
Si preparavano infatti piadine o focacce, cotte nella cenere e si univano a formaggio, olive, uova o funghi proprio similmente a certi tipi di pizze che specialmente a Roma si trovano tutt’oggi.
Carne fredda e pesce
antipasto stuzzicante per risvegliare l’appetito con uova, verdure e ostriche
Ova Elixa/ Uovo sodo
Uova, garum, olio, pepe, laser (assafetida)
formaggio di capra, pinoli, mentuccia, timo, santoreggia, origano, aceto, pepe, olio
Lenticchie, porro, coriandolo, puleggio, laser (assafetida), menta, ruta, aceto, miele, garum, vino cotto, olio, pepe,
amido di frumento
Primae mensae
piatti di pesce , carne,verdura ,arrosti preparati in modo elaborato
Porcellum oenococtum /Maiale in salsa di vino
Prepara e lascia insaporire il maiale. Aggiungi in una pentola olio, garum, vino, acqua, aggiungi un manciata di porri, di coriandolo; colora a metà cottura con vino. Metti in un mortaio pepe, ligustro, cumino, origano, seme di sedano, radice di silfio. Trita e versa il garum, il grasso colato dal maiale stesso, aggiungi il vino e il passito; amalgama con farina, metti il porcello ben preparato in una padella, cospargi il pepe.
Thynnus uvae/Tonno all'uva
Mettete le fette di tonno e le cipolle tagliate a fette sottili in una padella dove avrete fatto riscaldare l’olio.
Quando il tonno sarà leggermente dorato levatelo dalla padella lasciando le cipolle ed aggiungete la farina mescolando per ottenere una salsa.
Aggiungete quindi pepe, cumino, coriandolo, garum, uva, aceto, miele sempre mescolando e, quando saranno ben amalgamati, rimettete a cuocere il tonno.
Fate cuocere per circa 15 minuti.
Servite ben caldo.
Pullus Vardanus/Pollo di Vardo
pollo, garum, olio, vino, porro, coriandolo, santoreggia, pepe, pinoli, latte,uova
Secundae mensae
Dolci ,frutta secca e fresca
Palmulae farti/Datteri farciti
Snocciolate i datteri (al naturale, ovviamente) e riempiteli di pinoli e noci preventivamente triturati, aggiungendo un pò di pepe. Saltate leggermente i datteri e fateli friggere nel miele.
Torta cartaginensis (ricetta di Catone)
Mescolate la farina al latte, facendo in modo che non si formino grumi. Incorporate a poco a poco tutto il formaggio, quindi aggiungete il miele (che dev'essere un pò fluido) e le uova. Fate cuocere il tutto in una marmitta di terra, finchè non sarà diventato consistente e un pò untuoso.
Dulcis ex nucibus pinea/Dolce ai pinoli
Prendete un impasto abbastanza liquido mescolando al latte il pepe verde, i pinoli sgusciati, il miele, il succo di limone e il vino; mettetelo a fuoco molto basso, e quando comincia a rapprendersi unite le uova sbattute. Servite versandoci sopre il miele e spolverando di pepe.
Tutto il pasto era accompagnato da abbondante vino in genere non bevuto schietto , ma miscelato con acqua , calda o fredda. Le portate di una cena , comunque , non dovevano essere meno di sette in totale.
*** VINI ***
Il Vino era raramente limpido e veniva di solito filtrato con un passino (colum), si beveva quasi sempre allungato con acqua calda o fredda (in inverno a volte anche con neve) in modo da ridurne la gradazione alcolica di solito da 15/16 a 5/6 gradi. I tipi più pregiati erano il Massico e il Falerno (dalla Campania), il Cecubo, il Volturno, l' Albano e il Sabino (dal Lazio) e il Setino. Sulle anfore utilizzate per il trasporto era impressa in una targhetta (pittacium) l'origine e la data di produzione per tutelare l'acquirente, anche se già in quell'epoca esistevano casi di adulterazione.
Il Gustaticium era un aperitivo che si beveva a digiuno prima del pasto, mescolato con miele(mulsum).
Il Passum era un vino fatto con uve secche usato, in genere, come medicinale.
Il consumo medio di vino in un anno è stato calcolato in 140 - 180 litri a persona, questo grande consumo si pensa che sia dovuto anche al grande apporto calorico che dava alla dieta romana costituita in gran parte da cereali e vegetali.
Historical info,
Italian posts
Feeding a legio
The Roman army had the best arrangements for feeding in the ancient world. Its demands caused native populations to increase food production from subsistence farming to an agriculture that produced surpluses. On the march, it was supplied with rations of wheat and other foods, and when established in the forts it could expect regular supplies. The army created a network of contacts and an efficient transport system and it constructed roads, which allowed goods to be moved quickly throughout the empire as well as locally from fort to fort and country to town .
Standard food would consist of bread, bacon, cheese, vegetables, and the lowest quality of wine. For this a fixed amount was deducted from a soldier's pay.
Special rations would be issued at festivals and other occasions.
Bread was a basic commodity, fresh loaves being provided daily in camps or forts.
Meat--beef, pork, goat, and mutton-- was purchased and game was provided by hunting wild boar, deer, hare, and fowl. Chickens were ordered in large quantities for the officers.
Soldiers encamped near the seacoast included fish and oysters in their daily diet.
The variety of army diet is revealed by the Vindolanda tablets. A list covering payments and supplies includes fish sauce , pork fat, roe deer, ham, venison, olive oil, plums, eggs, semolina, honey, twisted loaves, beans, lentils, salt and spices including garlic paste. Drinks include sour and good wines and a native beer.
Regular and adequate meals for soldiers were important
so that they would not be weak from hunger.
The Roman army had the best arrangements for feeding in the ancient world. Its demands caused native populations to increase food production from subsistence farming to an agriculture that produced surpluses. On the march, it was supplied with rations of wheat and other foods, and when established in the forts it could expect regular supplies. The army created a network of contacts and an efficient transport system and it constructed roads, which allowed goods to be moved quickly throughout the empire as well as locally from fort to fort and country to town .
Standard food would consist of bread, bacon, cheese, vegetables, and the lowest quality of wine. For this a fixed amount was deducted from a soldier's pay.
Special rations would be issued at festivals and other occasions.
Bread was a basic commodity, fresh loaves being provided daily in camps or forts.
Meat--beef, pork, goat, and mutton-- was purchased and game was provided by hunting wild boar, deer, hare, and fowl. Chickens were ordered in large quantities for the officers.
Soldiers encamped near the seacoast included fish and oysters in their daily diet.
The variety of army diet is revealed by the Vindolanda tablets. A list covering payments and supplies includes fish sauce , pork fat, roe deer, ham, venison, olive oil, plums, eggs, semolina, honey, twisted loaves, beans, lentils, salt and spices including garlic paste. Drinks include sour and good wines and a native beer.
Regular and adequate meals for soldiers were important
so that they would not be weak from hunger.
Qui te di advenientem peregre perdant. Male vive et vale. (May all the gods visit you with perdition. Live and prosper ill)
Bello exstincto, re bene gesta,Iuppiter, dique alii omnes caelipotentes, eas vobis habeo grates, quia probe sum ultus meum inimicum
The battle was brought to a triunphant conclusion, I thank you, Iuppiter, for your kindly aid, and all the other divine powers of heaven, that I am avenged on my enemy
Qui te di advenientem peregre perdant. Male vive et vale. (May all the gods visit you with perdition. Live and prosper ill)
Bello exstincto, re bene gesta,Iuppiter, dique alii omnes caelipotentes, eas vobis habeo grates, quia probe sum ultus meum inimicum
The battle was brought to a triunphant conclusion, I thank you, Iuppiter, for your kindly aid, and all the other divine powers of heaven, that I am avenged on my enemy
martedì 19 luglio 2011
The numbers of a classical Legio
A classical Legio was made by:
1)Contuberni (companions of 8 men)
2)Centuriae (1 centuria = 10 contuberni)
3)Cohortes (1 cohors = 6 Centuriae)
There were 9 Cohortes (480 men); 1 special cohors made by 5 double centuriae (800 men);120 equites.
Total men: 5240
1)Contuberni (companions of 8 men)
2)Centuriae (1 centuria = 10 contuberni)
3)Cohortes (1 cohors = 6 Centuriae)
There were 9 Cohortes (480 men); 1 special cohors made by 5 double centuriae (800 men);120 equites.
Total men: 5240
Jokes of the ancient Romans
Here it is a short collections of jokes of the ancient Romans from Philogelos (The Laughter Lover), a collection of some 265 jokes, likely made in the fourth or fifth century CE. Hope you will enjoy them.
1)A misogynist paid his last respects at the tomb of his dead wife. When someone asked him, "Who has gone to rest?," he replied: "Me, now that I'm alone.
2)There was another man, just like the last one - a big talker, but in fact impoverished. By chance he got sick, and his girlfriend, coming into his place without warning, found him lying on a humble mat made of reeds. Turning over, he claimed that the doctors were responsible: "The best and most famous doctors in the city ordered me to sleep on a mat like this.
3)An incompetent schoolteacher was asked who the mother of Priam was. Not knowing the answer, he said: "It's polite to call her Ma'am.
4)A young man said to his libido-driven wife: "What should we do, darling? Eat or have sex?" And she replied: "You can choose. But there's not a crumb in the house.
5)A misogynist had a wife who never stopped talking or arguing. When she died, he had her body carried on a shield to the cemetery. When someone noticed this and asked him why, he replied: "She was a fighter.
- Baldwin, Barry, trans. with commentary, The Philogelos or Laughter-Lover (Amsterdam, 1983)
- Jennings, Victoria, review of R.D. Dawe's text, BMCR 01.04.05
- Rapp, Albert, "A Greek Joe Miller" Classical Journal 46 (1951), pp.286-290 & 318
- Thierfelder, Andreas, German trans. with commentary, Philogelos, Der Lachfreund (Munich, 1968)
1)A misogynist paid his last respects at the tomb of his dead wife. When someone asked him, "Who has gone to rest?," he replied: "Me, now that I'm alone.
2)There was another man, just like the last one - a big talker, but in fact impoverished. By chance he got sick, and his girlfriend, coming into his place without warning, found him lying on a humble mat made of reeds. Turning over, he claimed that the doctors were responsible: "The best and most famous doctors in the city ordered me to sleep on a mat like this.
3)An incompetent schoolteacher was asked who the mother of Priam was. Not knowing the answer, he said: "It's polite to call her Ma'am.
4)A young man said to his libido-driven wife: "What should we do, darling? Eat or have sex?" And she replied: "You can choose. But there's not a crumb in the house.
5)A misogynist had a wife who never stopped talking or arguing. When she died, he had her body carried on a shield to the cemetery. When someone noticed this and asked him why, he replied: "She was a fighter.
- Baldwin, Barry, trans. with commentary, The Philogelos or Laughter-Lover (Amsterdam, 1983)
- Jennings, Victoria, review of R.D. Dawe's text, BMCR 01.04.05
- Rapp, Albert, "A Greek Joe Miller" Classical Journal 46 (1951), pp.286-290 & 318
- Thierfelder, Andreas, German trans. with commentary, Philogelos, Der Lachfreund (Munich, 1968)
Legio event of 17th of July
Hello all,
this Sunday we have had an archery tournament and a trivia about the ancient army.
These are the scores:
2 wins for Tonina Rodenberger
2 wins for Peter Woody
2 wins for Achille Back
The winner of the trivia is Achille Back, with only one more point of Tonina Rodenberger
The winner of the event is Achille Back who won the medal of the event.
Congratulations to him and thanks to who have taken part to this event
this Sunday we have had an archery tournament and a trivia about the ancient army.
These are the scores:
2 wins for Tonina Rodenberger
2 wins for Peter Woody
2 wins for Achille Back
The winner of the trivia is Achille Back, with only one more point of Tonina Rodenberger
The winner of the event is Achille Back who won the medal of the event.
Congratulations to him and thanks to who have taken part to this event
martedì 12 luglio 2011
Salvete Milites,
The candidate for the Legionary of the Month award of the past month from the Centuriones has been approved by the Tribuni.
The LOTM Phalera goes to:

Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius Baculum (achille.back).
I'm very honored of having been chosen for this award, that goes to all the Tribuni also. Our only target is to serve the XIII and ROMA SPQR at best. I'm sure that the troops are working hard with us for supporting our great group. Keep on like that!
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum
The candidate for the Legionary of the Month award of the past month from the Centuriones has been approved by the Tribuni.
The LOTM Phalera goes to:

Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius Baculum (achille.back).
I'm very honored of having been chosen for this award, that goes to all the Tribuni also. Our only target is to serve the XIII and ROMA SPQR at best. I'm sure that the troops are working hard with us for supporting our great group. Keep on like that!
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum
awarded members,
Legionaire of the month,
martedì 7 giugno 2011
lunedì 6 giugno 2011
It's with much pleasure that the Tribuni are accepting the following candidate to the Legionary of the month suggested by the Centuriones:

Miles Senenmut Flanagan
Well done! The behavior of that soldier must be an example to everybody. Who's going to deserve the next month's phalera?
Tribunus Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum

Miles Senenmut Flanagan
Well done! The behavior of that soldier must be an example to everybody. Who's going to deserve the next month's phalera?
Tribunus Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum
domenica 22 maggio 2011
Today, May the 22nd the Legio XIII Gemina hosted an infantry vs cavalry tactics demonstration at the Mercuralia ROMA SPQR festival.
Here are a few pictures of the event.

The aim of the event was to perform correct roman tactics on both sides cavalry and infantry. Both units did very well, the demo pleased the public.
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius
Here are a few pictures of the event.

The aim of the event was to perform correct roman tactics on both sides cavalry and infantry. Both units did very well, the demo pleased the public.
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius
It's with great pleasure that the Tribuni accept the decision of the Centuriones to nominate
as Legionary of the Month of April 2011.

Well done!
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum
as Legionary of the Month of April 2011.

Well done!
Praefectus Praetorio Achilles Claudius in behalf of the Tribuni and the Praefectus Castrorum
awarded members,
Legionaire of the month
martedì 26 aprile 2011
giovedì 21 aprile 2011
According to the many on demand roles, the legion has been reformed the following way:
COHORS I (full time)
COHORS AMAZONA (full time)
CLASSIS (on demand)
After the usual recruitment, the same for everybody, male members will join COH I while females will join COH AMAZ.
Everybody both female and male soldiers are free to request to join an on demand cohort, their rank will be the same for all cohorts.
Every cohort is leaded by a full time Tribunus, supported by full time Centuriones.
Every cohort has a specializing training, the general legio's training remains every Sunday. The specializing training doesn't replaces the general training (presences are counted on Sundays).
If you wish to know more or have any question, ask Tribunus Achilles Claudius (Achille Back).
According to the many on demand roles, the legion has been reformed the following way:
COHORS I (full time)
COHORS AMAZONA (full time)
CLASSIS (on demand)
After the usual recruitment, the same for everybody, male members will join COH I while females will join COH AMAZ.
Everybody both female and male soldiers are free to request to join an on demand cohort, their rank will be the same for all cohorts.
Every cohort is leaded by a full time Tribunus, supported by full time Centuriones.
Every cohort has a specializing training, the general legio's training remains every Sunday. The specializing training doesn't replaces the general training (presences are counted on Sundays).
If you wish to know more or have any question, ask Tribunus Achilles Claudius (Achille Back).
venerdì 18 marzo 2011
Short biography of Julius Cesar
Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 or 13, in the year 100 B.C.. His father Gaius Caesar, died when Caesar was 16 years old, and it was his mother Aurelia, who proved to be quite influential in his life. Caesar's family was part of Rome's original aristocracy, called patricians, although they were not rich or particularly influential. At the time of Caesar's birth, the number of patricians was small, and their status no longer provided political advantage.
To obtain distinction for himself and his family, a Roman nobleman sought election to public office. In 86 B.C., Caesar was appointed flamen dialis with the help of his uncle by marriage, Gaius Marius. The position was one of an archaic priesthood and held no power. Nevertheless, it identified Caesar with extremist politics. Ceasar committed himself further to the radical side when he married Cornelia, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna in 84 B.C.
In 82 B.C., Caesar was ordered to divorce his wife by Lucius Cornelius Sulla, an enemy of the radicals. Caesar refused and prudently left Rome for military service in Asia and Cilicia. He returned in 78 B.C. when Sulla died and began his political career as a prosecuting advocate. Caesar then traveled to Rhodes to study rhetoric and did not return to Rome until 73 B.C. During his journey to Rhodes, Caesar was captured by pirates. While in captivity, Caesar convinced his captors to raise his ransom, which increased his prestige. He then raised a naval force, overcame his captors, and had them crucified.
In 69 or 68 B.C., Caesar was elected quaestor. His wife died shortly thereafter. In a purely political maneuver, Caesar seized the opportunity to praise his uncle, Cinna and father-in-law, Marius during the funeral orations for his deceased wife. He then married Pompeia, a relative of Pompey. Caesar was elected curule aedile in 65 B.C., pontifex maximus in 63 B.C., and a praetor in 62 B.C. By this time, Caesar was making a name for himself as a political figure. He divorced Pompeia after a scandal.
Caesar was made governor of Farther Spain in 61 B.C. When he returned to Rome the next year, he joined forces with Crassus and Pompey and formed the first triumvirate. The alliance between Pompey and Ceasar was solidified further when Pompey married Julia, Caesar's only child.
Caesar's next step up the political ladder was to be elected consul in 59 B.C. During that year he also married Calpurnia. The following year, Caesar was appointed governor of Roman Gaul. During the next 8 years, Caesar successfully conquered Gallic Gaul to the north. In 49 B.C., Caesar was instructed by the Senate to lay down his command. Roman politics had changed following the death of Crassus in 53 B.C., and Pompey was appointed sole consul in 52 B.C.. In addition, Pompey's wife Julia died in 54 B.C., breaking the family ties between Pompey and Caesar.
On January 10-11, 49 B.C., Caesar crossed the Rubicon, a small river separating Gaul from Italy, signifying the start of the Roman Civil War. Pompey fled and within three months, Caesar ruled of all Italy. He then took Spain and continued to pursue Pompey all the way to Egypt. In 48 B.C., Pompey was murdered by an officer of King Ptolemy. Caesar remained in Egypt throughout the winter and dallied with Queen Cleopatra. In 48 B.C., Caesar assumed the title of dictator. He returned to Rome for a short time in 47 B.C. but then left for Africa to crush his opponents. Caesar departed for Farther Spain in 46 B.C. to put down resistance there. In 45 B.C., Caesar returned to Rome to put his empire in order.
On March 15, 44 B.C., a day known as the Ides of March, Caesar entered the Senate House. An assassination plot had been hatched by a group of 60 senators, including Gaius Cassius and Marcus Junius Brutus. As Caesar entered the Senate, he was stabbed 23 times. After Ceasar was assassinated, Rome experienced another 13 years of civil war.
To obtain distinction for himself and his family, a Roman nobleman sought election to public office. In 86 B.C., Caesar was appointed flamen dialis with the help of his uncle by marriage, Gaius Marius. The position was one of an archaic priesthood and held no power. Nevertheless, it identified Caesar with extremist politics. Ceasar committed himself further to the radical side when he married Cornelia, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna in 84 B.C.
In 82 B.C., Caesar was ordered to divorce his wife by Lucius Cornelius Sulla, an enemy of the radicals. Caesar refused and prudently left Rome for military service in Asia and Cilicia. He returned in 78 B.C. when Sulla died and began his political career as a prosecuting advocate. Caesar then traveled to Rhodes to study rhetoric and did not return to Rome until 73 B.C. During his journey to Rhodes, Caesar was captured by pirates. While in captivity, Caesar convinced his captors to raise his ransom, which increased his prestige. He then raised a naval force, overcame his captors, and had them crucified.
In 69 or 68 B.C., Caesar was elected quaestor. His wife died shortly thereafter. In a purely political maneuver, Caesar seized the opportunity to praise his uncle, Cinna and father-in-law, Marius during the funeral orations for his deceased wife. He then married Pompeia, a relative of Pompey. Caesar was elected curule aedile in 65 B.C., pontifex maximus in 63 B.C., and a praetor in 62 B.C. By this time, Caesar was making a name for himself as a political figure. He divorced Pompeia after a scandal.
Caesar was made governor of Farther Spain in 61 B.C. When he returned to Rome the next year, he joined forces with Crassus and Pompey and formed the first triumvirate. The alliance between Pompey and Ceasar was solidified further when Pompey married Julia, Caesar's only child.
Caesar's next step up the political ladder was to be elected consul in 59 B.C. During that year he also married Calpurnia. The following year, Caesar was appointed governor of Roman Gaul. During the next 8 years, Caesar successfully conquered Gallic Gaul to the north. In 49 B.C., Caesar was instructed by the Senate to lay down his command. Roman politics had changed following the death of Crassus in 53 B.C., and Pompey was appointed sole consul in 52 B.C.. In addition, Pompey's wife Julia died in 54 B.C., breaking the family ties between Pompey and Caesar.
On January 10-11, 49 B.C., Caesar crossed the Rubicon, a small river separating Gaul from Italy, signifying the start of the Roman Civil War. Pompey fled and within three months, Caesar ruled of all Italy. He then took Spain and continued to pursue Pompey all the way to Egypt. In 48 B.C., Pompey was murdered by an officer of King Ptolemy. Caesar remained in Egypt throughout the winter and dallied with Queen Cleopatra. In 48 B.C., Caesar assumed the title of dictator. He returned to Rome for a short time in 47 B.C. but then left for Africa to crush his opponents. Caesar departed for Farther Spain in 46 B.C. to put down resistance there. In 45 B.C., Caesar returned to Rome to put his empire in order.
On March 15, 44 B.C., a day known as the Ides of March, Caesar entered the Senate House. An assassination plot had been hatched by a group of 60 senators, including Gaius Cassius and Marcus Junius Brutus. As Caesar entered the Senate, he was stabbed 23 times. After Ceasar was assassinated, Rome experienced another 13 years of civil war.
martedì 15 marzo 2011
Caius Iulius Caesar's day in ROMA
Salvete omnes.
Today, Ides of Martius MMXI we are going to tribute our great father in ROMA with a cerimony, on the 2055th anniversary of his murder.
Events will begin at 1pm SLT (watch out, time changed in Americas). We wait for you.
Princeps Achilles Claudius
Today, Ides of Martius MMXI we are going to tribute our great father in ROMA with a cerimony, on the 2055th anniversary of his murder.
Events will begin at 1pm SLT (watch out, time changed in Americas). We wait for you.
Princeps Achilles Claudius
domenica 6 marzo 2011
What else would you like to know the Roman army?
What else would you like to know the Roman army?
Answear writing a comment, please.
Answear writing a comment, please.
mercoledì 2 marzo 2011
Counter updates
Thanks to the new blogger gadget I was able to recover the number of the visits made before the first counter reset.
lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

On Sunday, the 20th of February, ROMA Maritima hosted the Legion's classis Naumachia (a sea battle).
The battle has been fought by the Green Team, 2 ships captained by Centurio Hastatus Petrus Cornelius and Optio Ragark TIberius Iulius, and the Blue Team, 2 ships captained by Centurio Princeps Achilles Claudius and Centurio Amazona Nina Tiberia.
After many issued and risks such as loosing a ship, the Blue Team sinked all of the two Green ships and won the sea battle.
The following members of the Blue Team have been awarded with the Phalera Miles Extraordinarius (Winner of a ROMA event):
Centurio Princeps Achilles Claudius
Centurio Amazona Nina Tiberia
Optio Amazona Melanippe
Miles Ferox Jale Albatros
Miles Ferox Darkus (dragonofnight)
For his special efforts in re-organizing the new Classis of the ROMA SPQR LEGIO XIII GEMINA, getting the new ships, building the new harbor, teaching the classiarii and his dedication to the whole Legio, the Centuriones in behalf of the Praefectus Castrorum Vectus Margulis are proud to award Optio Ferox Ragark Tiberius Iulius with the CORONA NAVALIS (the maximal award for sea actions).

awarded members,
martedì 11 gennaio 2011
Legionaire of the month of December
The legionaire of the month of December is Jale Albatros!
awarded members,
Legionaire of the month
venerdì 7 gennaio 2011
I am proud to be the winner of that contest. I am not used to bragging about myself so I will speak about the event as a whole and it sure was exciting! I will, however, speak from my personal and emotional point of view.
First of all I must congratulate decanus Ragark Tiberius Julius, who organized the event, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of the greatest tournaments, worthy of the presence of our Emperor Julian Augustus. The duels took place in a suspended cage, so that duelists could not evade the blows and the public could easily follow the matches. The final duels were in a ring of evil spikes, so that the contenders had to avoid retreating too much or risk being wounded by them.
There was an outsider in the previsions of the bookmakers: the new recruit Tavros, from Hispaniensis. I had few matches with him before the event so I was a bit concerned meeting him. Another surprise was the former optio Alexius Sejanus Minotaur, possibly the best blade of Roma when he was in the legio. The gods were not with me on this one. But the real thrill for me was represented by Senator Enamabala who, in the two duels I had with him, came very near to killing me! The duel between our optiones, my cousin Revus and Megara, an equuis against an amazon, was really epic and sent the public in delirium! I am almost sure that duel actually helped me. When the time came for Megara to challenge me, she was already extremely tired from the previous fights (one of which was with the aforementioned Tavros) and so the gods favored my humble person.
All the duels were very remarkable in terms of style and courage and our glorious Legio well earned the praise of the Emperor and of the applause of the public.
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