Salvete legionaries,
Due to their other duties in ROMA (or in RL), some people cannot serve as best as they would, that's why they asked to be moved to the rank of Veteranus of the XIII legion:
Optio JT Vale
Optio Ocean Lynagh
Centurio Franck gazov
Don't forget to change your group title.
May the enemy fear you, veteranii!
Princeps Achilles Claudius in behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the centuriones
venerdì 27 febbraio 2009
mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009
Hello all, after a while here it is the legionaire of the month of Jannuary:
the winner is: Peter Woody. He did a nice job at the parade in Roma Centro expecially, he was very often at the meetings also, so he deserves the medal!
the winner is: Peter Woody. He did a nice job at the parade in Roma Centro expecially, he was very often at the meetings also, so he deserves the medal!
awarded members,
Group info,
Legionaire of the month
mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009
Hello all,
I know I waited a bit to post this, but I was busy in RL.
I want to say thanks to all the ones that came at the conference and the parade in ROMA CENTRO SIM. We did a great impression and you did a very good job! The movement of the parade was good, we were able to keep the positions!
I am very happy to have recived from you all the CORONA MURALIS, because it means that I am doing a good job and that I am able to make you all have fun.
Here there are some pictures of the event, please if you have some send them to me at I will be happy to post them here.
Thanks you all again,

I know I waited a bit to post this, but I was busy in RL.
I want to say thanks to all the ones that came at the conference and the parade in ROMA CENTRO SIM. We did a great impression and you did a very good job! The movement of the parade was good, we were able to keep the positions!
I am very happy to have recived from you all the CORONA MURALIS, because it means that I am doing a good job and that I am able to make you all have fun.
Here there are some pictures of the event, please if you have some send them to me at I will be happy to post them here.
Thanks you all again,

We have very few notices about the medical art in the roman army in the republican age. Titus Livius et al. tell us that the soldiers wounded in action were carried in the villages, in the surroundings of the battlefield, to be assisted.
The emperor Augustus, in his reform of the army, introduced the military doctors, specifically trained, not as the civilian ones. They were enrolled as the other soldiers, remaining on duty about 16 years long.
In the army, Romans had one doctor for each cohors and two for the first-line one. They were under the command of the praefectus castrensis and of a chief-doctor, which was often the personal doctor of the emperor.
Cavalry had its own doctors (medici alarum) and so had the navy (medici triremis). In the army the ranks in descending order were medicus legionaris, medicus coorti and medicus ordinarii. This one had a rank corresponding to the centurio, but without an effective power on the soldiers, being that rank not really recognized, as the doctor doesn’t take active part in the battle.
The medical care of the wounded men was made directly on the field. In the worse cases the soldier was carried in the valetudinarium in castris, a sort of field-hospital capable of 200 beds: we have discovered evidences in some city that have its origin in a roman military camp.
A good video with a reconstruction of this hospital is at the following address
The commander of the valetudinarium was the medicus castrensis, exempted from any other duty and assisted by capsarii (wardrobe attendant), frictores (masseurs), unguentarii (for applying oils), curators operis (physicians), optiones valetudinarii (with feeding or administrative duties).
Roman doctors were particularly skilled in traumatology and hygienic matters. Their presence in the castra (chester), widespread all over Europe, highly contributed to the developing of the modern medicine.
We have very few notices about the medical art in the roman army in the republican age. Titus Livius et al. tell us that the soldiers wounded in action were carried in the villages, in the surroundings of the battlefield, to be assisted.
The emperor Augustus, in his reform of the army, introduced the military doctors, specifically trained, not as the civilian ones. They were enrolled as the other soldiers, remaining on duty about 16 years long.
In the army, Romans had one doctor for each cohors and two for the first-line one. They were under the command of the praefectus castrensis and of a chief-doctor, which was often the personal doctor of the emperor.
Cavalry had its own doctors (medici alarum) and so had the navy (medici triremis). In the army the ranks in descending order were medicus legionaris, medicus coorti and medicus ordinarii. This one had a rank corresponding to the centurio, but without an effective power on the soldiers, being that rank not really recognized, as the doctor doesn’t take active part in the battle.
The medical care of the wounded men was made directly on the field. In the worse cases the soldier was carried in the valetudinarium in castris, a sort of field-hospital capable of 200 beds: we have discovered evidences in some city that have its origin in a roman military camp.
A good video with a reconstruction of this hospital is at the following address
The commander of the valetudinarium was the medicus castrensis, exempted from any other duty and assisted by capsarii (wardrobe attendant), frictores (masseurs), unguentarii (for applying oils), curators operis (physicians), optiones valetudinarii (with feeding or administrative duties).
Roman doctors were particularly skilled in traumatology and hygienic matters. Their presence in the castra (chester), widespread all over Europe, highly contributed to the developing of the modern medicine.
Sappiamo molto poco riguardo alla medicina militare nell'età repubblicana. Autori come Tito Livio, raccontano che i feriti nelle battaglie venivano portati nei villaggi nei pressi della zone di conflitto per essere curati.
Con la riforma dell'esercito di Augusto vennero introdotti i medici militari che avevano ricevuto, al contrario di quelli civili, una specifica formazione. I medici militari venivano arruolati come gli altri soldati e rimanevano in servizio per circa 16 anni.
Nell'esercito romano c'era un medico per ogni coorte e due per quella in prima linea. Dipendevano dal praefectus castrensis e da un medico capo che spesso era anche il medico personale dell'imperatore.
La cavalleria possedeva propri medici (medici alarum) così come nella marina vi erano i medici triremis.
Vi era anche una gradazione dei medici militari in medicus legionaris, medicus coorti, ed infine il medicus ordinarii che aveva il grado corispondente a quello di centurione, ma senza un comando effettivo su i soldati. I medici infatti non venivano considerati uffuciali "effettivi", in quanto non partecipavano direttamente alle battaglie.
L'assistenza ai feriti veniva prestata direttamente sul campo, all'aperto; per i casi più gravi c'era il valetudinarium in castris, una sorta di ospedale da campo che poteva contenere fino a 200 pazienti. Ne sono stati trovati i resti in diverse città-accampamento.
Un bel filmato si può vedere in
A capo del valetudinarium era il "medicus castrensis", esentato da ogni altro servizio, assistito da capsarii (infermieri guardarobieri), frictores (massaggiatori), unguentarii , curatores operis (addetti al servizio farmaceutico), optiones valetudinarii (addetti al vitto e all'amministrazione).
I piunti di forza della medicina militare romana erano la traumatologia e l'igiene. La presenza di castra sparsi per tutta europa contribuì grandemente allo sviluppo della medicina moderna.
Sappiamo molto poco riguardo alla medicina militare nell'età repubblicana. Autori come Tito Livio, raccontano che i feriti nelle battaglie venivano portati nei villaggi nei pressi della zone di conflitto per essere curati.
Con la riforma dell'esercito di Augusto vennero introdotti i medici militari che avevano ricevuto, al contrario di quelli civili, una specifica formazione. I medici militari venivano arruolati come gli altri soldati e rimanevano in servizio per circa 16 anni.
Nell'esercito romano c'era un medico per ogni coorte e due per quella in prima linea. Dipendevano dal praefectus castrensis e da un medico capo che spesso era anche il medico personale dell'imperatore.
La cavalleria possedeva propri medici (medici alarum) così come nella marina vi erano i medici triremis.
Vi era anche una gradazione dei medici militari in medicus legionaris, medicus coorti, ed infine il medicus ordinarii che aveva il grado corispondente a quello di centurione, ma senza un comando effettivo su i soldati. I medici infatti non venivano considerati uffuciali "effettivi", in quanto non partecipavano direttamente alle battaglie.
L'assistenza ai feriti veniva prestata direttamente sul campo, all'aperto; per i casi più gravi c'era il valetudinarium in castris, una sorta di ospedale da campo che poteva contenere fino a 200 pazienti. Ne sono stati trovati i resti in diverse città-accampamento.
Un bel filmato si può vedere in
A capo del valetudinarium era il "medicus castrensis", esentato da ogni altro servizio, assistito da capsarii (infermieri guardarobieri), frictores (massaggiatori), unguentarii , curatores operis (addetti al servizio farmaceutico), optiones valetudinarii (addetti al vitto e all'amministrazione).
I piunti di forza della medicina militare romana erano la traumatologia e l'igiene. La presenza di castra sparsi per tutta europa contribuì grandemente allo sviluppo della medicina moderna.
Historical info,
Italian posts
domenica 1 febbraio 2009
Lizzz Gothly has successfully finished her recruitmen period and is now a miles in Amazons. CONGRATULATIONS!
The following recruits get a last chance to show activity by prolongation of recruitment-period:
Domitian Republic, Djamena Azalee, Hermes Falconer.
Not being at least a bit active may result in being ejected from the Legion!
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
The following recruits get a last chance to show activity by prolongation of recruitment-period:
Domitian Republic, Djamena Azalee, Hermes Falconer.
Not being at least a bit active may result in being ejected from the Legion!
Scriba Nina on behalf of Praefectus Vectus Margulis and the Centuriones
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